Saturday, December 22, 2012

Coverage of Test 3 on January 04




TEST DATE: JANUARY 04, 2013, Friday

     1. WORD STUDY (Challenge words are always included!)         
Ø     Unit 4, Topic 1-4 – Final le, al, en, er, ar and Consonants /j/, /ks/, /kw/  WS pp65-76

Ø     Vocabulary words on 4 units: usage and definitions – illusion, magician, invisible, mysterious, perception, vanish / communication, instinct, protect, relationships, response, sense, young /inventions, creative, discovered, laboratory, solution, solve, treasure, / combine, conversation, dialect, phrase, region, shouts, symbols  
PB p61 (6 words), p65 ( 7words), p.69 (7 words), p73 (7 words)
Ø    Functional Language:  male/female animals, their young and group names; American/British phrases

       3.  READING
Ø Reading Skills:    reading comprehension – with questions on comparing and contrasting, identifying main idea and details, and identifying sequence in the reading. PB pp.63, 67, 71, 75. 

       4. GRAMMAR          
Ø    GW Lesson 16-19: Singular/Plural Pronouns, Subject & Object Pronouns, Pronouns and Antecedents, Possessive & Adjective Pronouns, Reflexive, Demonstrative Pronouns  GW pp.140-161, handouts

Ø   Verb Tense Usage Review

       5.  WRITING            
Ø   writing a paragraph showing sequence. PB and handout

      6. SCIENCE       
Ø   The water cycle – the sequence and processes in the water cycle; vocabulary words.


Lesson 5 Area of a Triangle Work Book pp133-139
Lesson 6 – Ratio  Work Book pp133-139;  143-160
Vocabulary words and exercises on handout
Study the word problems well and how to present your solutions and sentences correctly.

worksheet page 2

Hi Everyone,
The original document of this worksheet is truly blurry.  If you can't understand or make out some of the words, you may just leave it blank.

Mrs. Chen

1. filter - strainer
2.  calendar - schedule
3. hangar - shed
4. pitcher - jug
5. caterpillar - hairy worm

1. deliver - pick-up
2. cellar - attic
3. similar - (leave blank - no answer)
4. summer - winter
5. popular - disliked

1. true   2. false    3. true   4. false

1. laptop - it
2. the dirty classrooms - them
3.  the man who owns the grouchy dog - he
4. my father and I - us
5. she and her sister - them

1. We   2. me   3. we   4. us    5. them    6. she or I   7.  me   8.  they

Tenses Review:
1. was reading    2. has seen     3. erupt     4. eat

check your vocabulary notebook or reading book for the correct definition and spelling

8-9  solutions,  discovered (discover is okay)

1. swans - swannery    2. gorilla - infant    3. frog - polliwog    4. cheetahs - coalition
5.  young cockroaches - nymph   6. small kind of kangaroo - wallaby  
7. dolphins - pod   8. female donkey - bennett     9. elephants - parade    10. opposite of cockerel - pullet

1. c   2-3. c       4. a   5. b    6-8. 2,1,3

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Sunday, December 16, 2012


Check out the lessons and activities for the remaining days before Christmas Day!

Get ready to sing your hearts out on Christmas Day!  Practice, practice, practice!!!
Check out the following links for Christmas carols that we're learning:

1.  Jingle Bell Rock
Jingle Bell Rock Disney Sing-Along
Jingle Bell Rock Hillary Duff version

2.  Jingle Bells
Jingle Bells - KARAOKE version
Jingle Bells (lyrics only)

3.  12 Days of Christmas - Sing-A-long with voice
12 Days of Christmas - Sing-Along without voice

4.  Santa Claus Is Coming to Town - with voice and lyrics
Santa Claus Is Coming to Town - with voice and lyrics

5.  I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus

6.  Frosty the Snowman - video/voice only
Frosty the Snowman - with lyrics and voice

7.  Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer-with lyrics

8.  We Wish You a Merry Christmas  Karaoke version  and
We Wish You a Merry Christmas VOICE ONLY
We Wish You a Merry Christmas With lyrics and voice

9.  Deck the Halls Karaoke version with lyrics and
Deck the Halls Karaoke video/voice oly

10.  Feliz Navidad  lyrics and voice and

11.  So This Is Christmas
So This Is Christmas with lyrics

12.  Last Christmas I Gave You my Heart and
Last Christmas - Taylor Swift version

13.  Rockin' Around Christmas Tree by Brenda Lee with lyrics
Rockin' Around Christmas Tree Miley Cyrus version with lyrics

14.  Chritsmas Tree Glee version with lyrics
O Christmas Tree Cedarmont version

15.  Angels We Have Heard on High / Gloria in Excelsis Deo with lyrics  and
Angels We Have Heard on High / Gloria in Excelsis Deowith lyrics, male voice
Angels We Have Heard on High / Gloria in Excelsis Deo GLEE version with lyrics

16.  Little Drummer Boy  voice only
Little Drummer Boy with lyrics

17.  Mary's Boy Child  and

18.  All I Want for Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth voice only

18. All I Want for Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth with lyrics
19.  Grandma got run over by a reindeer lyrics

20  Christmas Sing-along - various titles

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Remember to practice your spelling and learn the meaning of the spelling words.

December 07 Spelling Quiz KEY TO CORRECTION

1.  My brother and I went swimming.
2.  We rode on the same sled together.
3.  Later we had dinner.
4.  Blue is a popular color.
5.  We went to the recreation center.
6.  We marked the date on the calendar.
7.  We have similar glasses.
8.  I'm a regular visitor to the zoo.
9. My favorite summer activity is swimming.
10. My sister can do many clever dives.
11. Don't be late for supper.
12. There's nothing better than a pitcher of cold water.  
13.  It's time to change the air filter.
14.  The airplane is in the hangar.
15.  I am never late for a meal.
16.  Seek shelter if it starts to rain.
17.  I keep my tools in the cellar.
18.  I saw a caterpillar in the grass.
19.  On rainy days we go to the theater to see a movie.
20. We would like you to deliver the pizza.
21.  My uncle is an interesting character.
22.  Write the singular and plural forms.
23.  He holds the telephone receive upside down.
24.  the fireworks show is always spectacular.
25.  Most animals have binocular vision.

November 23 Spelling Quiz KEY TO CORRECTION

1.  That was the best chicken soup I've ever had.
2.  The number that follows ten is eleven.
3. I would have given it to you if you had asked.
4.  Many plants grow in a jungle.
5. We went to a national park.
6.  There are several kinds of roses in my garden.
7. It is important to preserve natural resources.
8.  I need to thread this needle.
9.  I followed every single rule.
10.  Almost every citizen of the town saw the parade.
11.  You shouldn't threaten people.
12. Can you draw a diagonal line?
13.  I left the paddle in the boat.
14.  I saw that animal at the zoo.
15.  The room had a spiral staircase.
16. The ball is made of marble.
17.  An egg is shaped like an oval.
18.  When I feel shy, I tend to mumble.
19.  Try not to tangle the cable.
20.  Thunder does not frighten me.
21.  Exercise will strengthen your muscles.
22.  I bruised my knuckle with the hammer.
23. Every individual person is different.
24. My father works in a cubicle.
25.  A cube is a three-dimensional figure.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Hello 5Yellow!
Here's the Reading Comprehension (RC) worksheet I promised you.

Name: ________________________No. ____    Date/Day:  ________________


Read the article on Codes for Kids BY Jeff Putnam on your MSW Reading Book pages 64-71.  Then answer the following questions:

1.    Find the meaning of the following words (hint: The words in italics can be found at the back of the reading book MSW.  For the other words, use a dictionary.  You may use the Merriam Webster online dictionary:

Words to know
English meaning  & Chinese meaning

Words to know
English meaning  & Chinese meaning
1. transmit

2. codes

3. conceal

4.  interpret

5. cipher

6.  slit

7. exchange

8. visible

9. Morse Code

2.  How are secret codes useful for kids?  ________________________________________________________________________


3.  How many ways of writing secret codes were given in the reading?  


4. One way of writing secret codes is by using a mask.  The mask is the paper where you write your message.  Is this correct?  Why?



5-6.  Another way of writing secret codes that uses a kind of “route” is called _____________ where your secret message will look like a _________________________ to anyone else.

7.  How do you write a code using a ruler?  Copy on your notebook the right answer.
a.  Write the message on the ruler that your friend has.  All your friend has to do is read the ruler.
b.  Write the letters of your message above the inch and half-inch (or on the centimeter) marks on the ruler. Your friend will use a ruler to find the right letters.
c.  Write the letter of your message on the lines on the ruler and give the ruler to your friend.  Your friend will easily find the message.

8-12.  Another way of writing secret messages is to scramble the letters using two strips of papers and having a key letter.  If your friend knows the key letter, then they can read your secret message.  Describe the 5 steps in creating this code:

13.  What other kind of code is mentioned on the reading?  How does it work? 


14-15.  On another sheet of paper, write a message using one of the codes given in the reading.  Be prepared to share your message with the class!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Hello Everyone!

It's the second week of December, and we're currently in the 3rd cycle of the first semester.

We've been doing Reading Olympics this semester, and I'm glad to note that we are already on the 3rd round of this reading activity.

The Reading Olympics 3 Guidelines have been posted in a new page called READING OLYMPICS. Please take time to read these guidelines.  I'm also posting past awardees of Reading Olympics 1 and 2.

For the second semester, we're going to take our reading a notch up by reading chapter books.  So prepare to read novels or stories of different genre, including nonfiction materials.

Success is not a destination, it’s a journey.
- Zig Ziglar
Good luck, golden boys and girls,
- Mrs. Chen

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Grammar & Writing pp146-149

A. p.146
1. He - SP          2.  them - OP         3. us - OP         4. we -  SP         5. her - OP

B. p.147
1.  I         2. us         3. We          4. me          5. them
6. she         7.  They         8. her        9. him         10. we

When Sam, Ted, and (11) began our project on dinosaurs, we didn't know where to start.  (12) It seemed such a big subject.  Then Sam had a brainstorm.  (13) He explained his idea to Ted and me.

     "Let's write a story," he  said.  (15) "It could be about a boy who finds a baby dinosaur int he woods and takes it home to live with his family and him. (16) That way we can describe what the dinosaur looks like and what it eats."

     (17) That sounded like a good idea to me, so we agreed.  That afternoon Sam, Ted, and I began writing our book.  (18) Many of our friends have asked Ted and me how it ends.  But Sam has an ending that is still a deep secret.

Test Preparation  p148.

(1) Carlos, Melinda, and _C_ are creating a model rainforest.  (2) Carlos is an old friend of mine, and Melinda and D are cousins.  (3) Anyway, this forest has taken C two weeks to make so far.  (4) The vines are ropes with real leaves stuck to B . (5) We've made a big snake called Sally and twisted __B around one of the trees.  (6)  We recorded the birds in a pet shop, and __C__ sound just like rainforest creatures.  (7) The principal told Carlos and A that he would like to show his family our forest when it is finished.  (8) We said we'd protect his children and A from dangerous animals!

Review p149
1.  You     2. It     3. We     4. they     5. I

6. me     7. it     8. us     9. them     10. him

11. Cher and I     12. her and me     13. You     14. they     15. him     16. he

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Comic Creator - ToonDoo

Hi everyone,

Here's the link to the comic creator ToonDoo:

1.  You must register first.  When you register, you must have an e-mail and a user name.  DON'T FORGET YOUR USER NAME, PASSWORD AND EMAIL THAT YOU USED WHEN YOU REGISTERED, or you won't be able to log in!  You cannot use your email again if you want to register the second time, so be very careful.  Write everything down!

2.  Save your username and password.

3.  If you create your comic strips now, you must do this important step:  Copy and paste your comics to a Word document.  It's not easy to find or print your work if you save your work in the ToonDoo website. 

4.  Save your pasted comic strip on Word, then post it in the blog.  If you cannot post or you don't know how to, save it on your USB.

I will show you how to do this tomorrow in class if you can't use the comic creator.  Have fun!

Mrs. Chen

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

'hope everyone had a great Double Ten Day!


Comment on this picture, golden boys and girls!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Hello boys and girls!

Here's the link where you could type in your journal entries:  Have a great time exploring this page. There's also a link in the Student Posts Pages.

Write a note on your journal notebook if you decide to type your journal homework on the class's writing blog instead of writing on the journal. 

Have a Happy Sunday,
Mrs. Chen

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Dear Golden Boys and Girls (5 Yellow Students),

You must be wondering how to post your journal this weekend!  How remisss of me not to have mentioned this in class.  The usual way to post is click on the "Post Your Comment" box found at the bottom of the post or page. 

Go the the STUDENT POSTS page and click on the "Post your comment" at the bottom of the page. Then choose PUBLISH once you're done. We'll discuss this in class tomorrow, Monday, if you still can't find it.

Take care,
Mrs. Chen

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Visit often for new updates!

5Yellow Class spelling page
Vocabulary building games
Homophone game

VERB Power Game
Parts of Speech Game
The Grammar Gorillas

3.  MATH:   Place Value Practice






Hone your keyboarding! Get those fingers do fast typing - practice at

6.  Link to 5/6 Blue Blog to get some more useful web links

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

September 11, 2012

Dear Parents 親愛的家長,

Greetings!  One week has passed and our 5th graders have been busy familiarizing themselves with the classroom rules, daily routine, review of past lessons, and just basically getting to know each other.

I would like to communicate with you my expectations on their learning and behavior as well as some of the programs and activities that we will be engaging in this semester.



  1. Any homework is due the following day, except when the teacher announces otherwise.


  1. A parent or any adult family member should sign all homework. The student is responsible for making sure that the homework is presented to the parent for signature and putting it back into the school bag.


  1. Missed homework receives a zero (0).  If made up within the day it was due or as directed by the teacher, a deduction of 20% from the grade will be made. 


  1. Corrections on workbooks are important.  If workbooks are not corrected, the student will not have corrected materials to review for the quizzes and tests. 


  1. Homework is mostly graded for effort.  I deduct 0.5 point only for each mistake on the workbooks as long as they’re corrected right away. Grades suffer a slide when the student leaves pages uncorrected.


Class Attentiveness and Participation 上課專心與參與程度

Class attentiveness means being focused on the lesson (evidenced by body language, overt responses to discussions, and being able to answer or repeat an important point when asked) while participation means asking questions, sharing or contributing to the discussion what the student already knows.  

A tally mark of the week’s participation / attentiveness is kept on the blackboard.  For every five tally marks, the student gets a stamp on the communication book.


Programs and activities that aim to promote English language development:


Oral & Listening –  (聽與說)

  1. English only days – These will be from 7:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. every Tuesday and Wednesday;  1:15 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Thursdays.  All classes in Grade 5 will follow this schedule. I can’t wait to witness our 5th graders interacting with each other in English on our hallway on the 4th floor during these days!


  1. Oral Book Report – the class will have one book report this semester.  Details and date will be announced later.


  1. Functional language lessons  – the students will learn vocabulary words that are functional or useful in daily life through a variety of activities.  These lessons will take place during our Enrichment Class on Tuesdays and will be included in the monthly exams.


In order not to lose out on these instructions, please make sure your child comes on time on Tuesdays.  請孩子務必準時到校。

4.       Reports in other subject areas – Students will be trained in their speaking skills through reporting activities in other subjects such as science, social studies and art.

Our period for English science is actually shared by Social Studies/Study Skills and Science content areas. This semester, cycle 1 will deal with research skills, while cycle 2 and 3 will be science topics on matter and water respectively.


5.       Use of print dictionary in class instead of electronic dictionary – The use of print dictionary is preferred over the electronic dictionary while in class for various reasons. These reasons include the development of dictionary skills as well as alphabetizing skills, expensive cost of electronic dictionaries, and often, the language used in most electronic dictionaries is beyond our students’ level. 


The school recommends the Oxford Dictionary for Intermediate Learners at the price of NTS680. 



Reading – 閱讀

1. Reading Olympics Program – Reading is a very important component of a well-rounded Language Arts program.  It immerses students to the different elements of the language – spelling, vocabulary, usage, grammar, fluency development, comprehension, etc.     For this semester, 5 Yellow students are going to engage in the first part of our reading program called Reading Olympics, with details as follows:


Reading Program Title


Participants 參與者
All 5 Yellow students are required to participate as this is a graded activity 五黃全體同學
Duration 區間
September 01-October 01, 2012 (Cycle 1) 九月一日至十月一日
Purpose 目的
To motivate and encourage students to read independently for a minimum of 550 minutes (9 hours and 10 minutes) for the duration of the program. 鼓勵孩子在此期間能獨立閱讀至少550分鐘。
Breakdown of minimum reading minutes per week:
Week 1 September 01-10 = 100 minutes 第一週: 100分鐘
Week 2 September 11-17 = 150 minutes 第二週: 150分鐘
Week 3 September 18-24 = 150 minutes 第三週: 150 分鐘
Week 4 September 25- October 01 = 150 minutes (Students must finish their reading early on this week due to the monthly test on October 02) 第四週: 150分鐘 (孩子們必須在102日第一次月考前完成計畫中的閱讀時間)
How It Works
  1. Students choose a book that they like to read. The teacher must approve the choice of book. 學生選擇欲閱讀的書籍,所選的書須再經老師核可。
  2. Each student must read for a minimum total of 150 minutes per week and write one short reading response (SRR) at the end of the week.  Each reading time should not be less than 20 minutes to be recorded on the Reading Passport (RP). 每位學生在一週內,讀了至少150分鐘之後,在週末寫一篇短心得。登錄在閱讀護照上的每一筆紀錄,閱讀時間不得少於20分鐘。
  3. After each time the student reads, the activity is recorded on the Reading Passport (RP). All the details on the RP must be filled: the length of reading time, title, author and pages of the book read. A parent must sign the entry or the reading will not be counted.
Parents, it is therefore important that you make sure your child has actually read before you sign.
各位家長: 請務必確認您的孩子確實閱讀了該書籍,再行簽名。
  1. The Reading Passport will be collected for checking every Tuesday morning. The readings done on Tuesday night to Monday night must be recorded on the passport by the time it is collected on Tuesday morning.
  1. A stamp will be given for every entry. Additional stamps will be given for every 100 minutes read. The stamps received could be used to exchange goodies from the teacher or play the classroom game. 孩子的每一筆閱讀紀錄都可以換一個章。每閱讀100分鐘,可以再多蓋章。得到的章可以跟老師換禮物或玩班級遊戲。
  2. Students that reached the minimum reading requirement of 550 minutes by the last day (October 01) will receive recognition and prizes from the teacher.
  1. The teacher will give special awards to students that read over 600 minutes during this period.
  1. Students who are unable to reach the required reading time by October 01 will read in school at periods designated by the teacher.


    2. Reading Report– A written reading report will be prepared prior to the oral reading report.  The student may use any of the books read on the Reading Olympics activity. The teacher will provide the report format.


Writing and Grammar – 文法與寫作練習

1.       A weekly journal – Students will write a journal to develop automaticity in writing high frequency words, sight words, correct sentences, and use new vocabulary words.  This will be given on Fridays and must be returned to Mrs. Chen on Monday of the following week.



  1. Five Yellow Class Blog at   Students’ finalized work will be published on the blog. There will also be links to our lessons, as well as reminders and photos of students’ activities.



  1. Other activities with writing component:  Book Report as described in the oral activities section. 結合閱讀報告以及教學相長等活動的寫作練習。


Activities Designed to Keep the Students’ Motivation and Interest in Learning English –激勵學生英文學習的遊戲

  1. A class game board – such as Snakes and Ladder may be played in exchange for 5 stamps from the Reading Passport, workbooks, quizzes and tests, positive classroom behavior, projects and other activities. Students answer questions related to our lessons (Math or English) or just claim prizes when they get lucky to land into such a space that guarantees a prize.


  1. Recognition, awards and small prizes – for good work and behavior. 當學生有優良行為表時會得到適時的獎章、獎狀、或小獎品。
  2. A print-rich classroom – Display of lesson materials and reminders in English.


  1. Class Blog – there are practice games that are now available on our class blog for our first unit in math.  Pictures and student work will eventually be published.  There will be riddles and guessing games for students to respond to.


I would like to create a classroom of children who value hard work and accomplishments.  We need to encourage them on every progress they make, however small.  I expect the students to become responsible for the choices they make by ensuring that they know the consequences of their actions. If there’s anything that you need to discuss with me regarding your child, please let me know through my co-teacher, Mr. Pino Wang, or schedule a meeting as necessary.

I look forward to working closely with you.


如果您有任何有關孩子的問題,可透過聯絡簿或王老師讓我知道,我們也可安排時間在學校進一步詳談。  謝謝您的合作與配合。


Best regards,

Mrs. Lolit Chen