Monday, February 18, 2013

Second Semester Letter to Parents

HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to everyone and all!!!

I have copied the letter to parents below for yoru reference.
Good luck in the second semester!
February 18, 2013

Dear Parents,

Happy Chinese New Year and welcome to the second semester of fifth grade.

We hope that the unusually long winter break was enjoyable and restful for everyone. As we start our second semester, I would like to remind and inform you all of the following:

  1. All winter homework must be submitted to the teacher on the third day of school at the latest.   As announced before the break, this homework is going to be the first grade your child will receive in the second semester.
  2. All English books and notebooks must be brought back to school.  These include the art folder and the science notebook.
  3. We are using all the English books from the first semester, except for math. Your child will receive new books on math and one new My Sidewalks reading book.
  4. Things that are needed this semester:

4.1.1        One file folder for all writing work (NT40)

4.1.2        One art sketchbook (the same size as the science notebook at NT60)

The school is willing to help purchase these two items, for which the total cost for both is NT100.  Please have your child bring this amount to school within this week. Thank you.

Our students have gotten to know their teachers and have familiarized themselves with expectations and routines in 5th grade in the first half of the school year.  The second semester is the time to buckle down in earnest to get our students ready for 6th grade and junior high.   I look forward to be able to explain our second semester English program with you on Parents Day on March 02, Saturday. 

Warm regards,

Mrs. Lolit Chen

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