Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Frogs VS Toads

April 30, 2013

There was a problem posting the handout on Frog Tadpoles vs. Toad Tadpoles. If you need to
get a copy of this file, please talk to Ms. Chen tomorrow.

However, you may read the articles about tadpoles in the following links:


How to Care for Frogs and Toads

Frogs and toads are kept best in a regular aquarium or any large glass container. To build a home for the frog or toad, first place a shallow pie tin at one side of the aquarium. Add gravel to the bottom of the aquarium until it is one inch below the top of the pie tin. Add soil on top of the gravel to form a hill rising to one side of the aquarium. Place some small stones on the slope. Place some damp moss on the rocks. Add a few twigs. Fill the pie tin with pond water and replace it as it evaporates. If you do not have pond water, use tap water that has been allowed to stand for a day. Always keep the pie tin full of water. Place your frog or toad in his new home and cover it with a wire mesh screen. Be sure to put a weight on the screen to hold it in place so the frog or toad cannot escape. Feed your frog or toad all kinds of insects, including flies and mosquitoes. They also like worms, grasshoppers and caterpillars. They will learn to eat bits of lettuce, beef or shrimp. If you dangle a tiny bit of food in front of the frog, you will be able to see how he uses his tongue to catch it.

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