Sunday, January 20, 2013

Winter Homework

S/Y 2012-2013

GRADE 5 Yellow Winter Homework


(PLEASE NOTE: Your winter homework is the first grade you will receive in the 2nd semester)


Divide your Winter Homework Notebook into three (3) sections:

Part 1: Reading Comprehension

Part 2: An Original Greek Myth

Part 3: Illustrated Dictionary

A 200-minute reading recorded on the Reading Passport will be submitted along with the Winter Notebook HW.


Then complete each section following the instructions given on your winter homework packet. 


Have a safe and enjoyable Chinese New Year!


S/Y 2012-2013  GRADE 5Y Winter Homework

(PLEASE NOTE: Your winter homework is the first grade you will receive in the 2nd semester)


Divide your Winter Homework Notebook into three (3) sections:

Part 1: Reading Comprehension

Part 2: An Original Greek Myth

Part 3: Illustrated Dictionary

The Reading Passport will be submitted along with the Winter Notebook HW.
 1. Read My Sidewalks p.110-134
These include the following stories: Dinosaur Hunters, Monster Mysteries, Bigfoot and Nessie, The Creature on Pine Tree Lane and The Bermuda Triangle Mystery.
(These readings are required to be able to understand the rest of your assignment.)
2.  Complete the Reading Comprehension Worksheet which should be glued on to your Winter Homework Notebook.
GUIDELINES in writing your own myth:
        1.  Choose a figure or object as the topic of your story.
        2.  Think of a good title and write it beautifully on the first page of your story. This is going to be your Title Page.
3.  On the Title Page, draw neatly a scene and the character or the object on the
first page of the story.  Color beautifully.
        4.  On another sheet of paper, write the draft of your story. Reread and then make the final corrections.
        5.  Write the final draft on Section 2 of your Winter HW notebook, on the page after the Title Page.
        6.  Illustrate some parts of the story to make it interesting and attractive.  Color the illustrations.
Create an illustrated dictionary using the vocabulary words on Word Study p.77 and PB p.74.
The dictionary should include the following words:
Word Study p. 77
distrust, uncertain, incomplete, unlikely, unfair, discontinue, unaware, disorder, discount, indirect, unopened, disrespect, unimportant, unlisted, disrepair, inability, disapprove, unsolved, disobey, unsuspecting, disintegrate, disillusioned, unconscious, unappetizing, intolerant.
Practice Book p. 74
convince, curious, diver, evidence, explorer, investigate, scrutiny

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Wrapping Up the First Semester

the first semester of fifth grade!
Kudos to 5 Yellow students for a great semester!

               We enjoyed ourselves in the crazy-fun International Day and honored the accomplishments of our students in our very own homeroom finale - this was how The 5 Yellow Class concluded the first semester.
               The International Day was the culmination of a 5-day rush of preparations,  learning about Greece and preparing introductory presentations, games and props.  It was quite a schoolwide spur-of-the-moment-end-of the-semester project, but the students enjoyed the activities the went with it.
              In our own class, our golden boys and girls received recognitions and awards for their accomplishments.  Take the time to look at the photos below.

Overall Top Performing Students in the Frist Semester in all English classes

The most improved students on Math test. Not in the picture: Angela

The most improved students on English test; Not in the picture - Angela.
Champion Readers in Reading Olympics 3 - The top 3 are: Amanda,
Cherry and Joanne.
The top scorers in English and Math final exams
Best Athlete, Best in Science, Best in Art & Science
and Most Improved Vocal Projection.  Not in the picture: Andrew - Best in PE

Best in Class Participation.  Not in the picture: Andrew and Mandy. 
Best in Homework
Here is the end-of-semester letter to the parents for those who were not able to get a printed copy.
January 18, 2013


Dear Parents,

The first semester of fifth grade is over, and it’s time to reflect on what we have accomplished and on things that we need our children to further improve.

The students in our class have lived through the first semester of fifth grade adjusting and coping with a vastly different set (and higher level) of academic expectations and behavior.   With the exception of a very few, most students were gradually able to adjust to these new expectations. 

In the second semester, we will be working even harder to further bring up our children’s skill level in different areas of English.  Reading fluency and reading comprehension are immediate areas of concern.  I would like to urge all parents to encourage your children to really read at home.  On a positive note, general grammar awareness has improved among the students.  We need to make sure that they consistently use correct grammar in their writing and speaking.  Other noted areas that showed general improvement in our class are spelling, enriched vocabulary, and better oral/speaking fluency.  Writing which is almost always influenced by all the other language skills should develop over time.  Our children will be doing many forms of writing next semester, focusing on the 6 writing traits.


Thank you so much for your support this semester.  You may have supported us in an active and very visible way, and/or you may have done it quietly, trusting us, your children’s teacher, to do what is best for their development and education for all of these, Mr. Wang, 5Yellow Chinese homeroom teacher, and I are thankful and grateful.

I look forward to the second semester and excited about the new things that our students would be accomplishing.  Please communicate and work with us regarding your children’s learning and development.  Please check our blog from time to time for some postings or announcements.


Warm regards,


Ms. Lolit Chen

International Day at Yu Tsai - We were Greeks for a day!

5 Yellow students who were "Greeks" for the day on Thursday worked hard to receive visitors in their "country." 

We learned about Greece, its mythology and important facts about it.  Have fun looking at the photos below. You worked very hard to make this event a success.  Congratulations to everyone for a job well done!